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Why chapel?

Episcopal school worship embodies the convictions that Christian life is lived out and practiced in community; through corporate prayer and thanksgiving.  We are reconciled and renewed to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” Episcopal schools have been established … as diverse ministries of educational and human formation for people of all faiths and backgrounds. … We seek to welcome, affirm, and support the spiritual development of students of all faiths or no faith at all.
(From the National Association of Episcopal Schools)

Chapel schedule:

Chapel services are every Wednesday afternoon in the sanctuary. 

Student service in Chapel:

All students will be involved in leading chapel at some point during the year. Parents will be notified by email the week prior to their student’s service.   K3 to 1st graders serve as crucifers.  2nd through 5th graders lead us in prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Middle school students read the scripture lesson for the week and assist with technology and have the opportunity to help plan chapel services through volunteering to serve on the Middle School Student Vestry.  

Chapel Buddies

Chapel buddies are a wonderful tradition at Trinity, where older students are paired with the younger students to provide guidance and a set of helping hands during chapel.  It is an important way we foster a sense of belonging to the larger Trinity family and building connections between students in different grades. 


Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is celebrated the first Wednesday of every month.

During the serving of Communion, students are welcome to come forward and partake of the elements, come forward for a blessing, or sit quietly in their pew. How your child participates in Communion is up to you and your family’s faith tradition.

For more information click here.